Our final project for my Intro to Illustration class was a 16x9 ink drawing. This is by far the project I learned the most from. Unlike other projects, a mistake on this piece is a permanent mark that cannot be erased. Thus, PLAN PLAN PLAN! After working out an idea for a final illustration, and working the composition til it was perfect (tho to me, compositions can never be perfect, there is always some kind of tweaking you can do) I finally had a concrete idea of where I wanted to go with my illustration. We had to incorporate some idea of a white glove based off an existing series of illustrations. My final idea was a great white shark fishing for humans, using a white glove. Kind of far fetched, I know. But I like illustrating underwater things for some reason, so why not? I cannot count how many practice drawings, and inkings I did before the final, but I know I cut it close to the deadline.
One example of a first draft |
What I learned of this part of the process was getting an outsiders perspective is crucial. I took my 8x6 drawings to upper class men and anyone who would look at it to see what I should change. Remember, measure twice, cut once!
And then the work began...
almost there... |
After tons and tons of drawing, making a couple trips to the 24 hour print shop, and a trip to the emergency room, I finished my Final!
Tada! |
To put so many days and hours into a piece of work, and see the final outcome is really good. I am quite happy with this, though, there are a lot of things I would change. But the process and what I learned alone makes me happy.