Monday, March 23, 2015

Peppy's Pizza!

Hey guys! Long time no post! But seeing as how today is the first day of spring break, I will do a little update of my current project.

The assignment:
Develop an original animated TV show idea, and storyboard a scene that highlights the show’s theme and main character(s).

Best. Assignment. Ever.

We had to develop convincing characters, believable relationships, and of course, an appealing world for all this to happen.  I started to doodle some different characters and see where that took me. I was able to narrow it down to three ideas.

Dust bunnies would be a children's show based off of actual dust..who are bunnies. The day to day would be them trying to escape villains such as Snippet the static cling cat or the vacuum. It would be a buddy buddy comedy, between Cole and Byron and their completely opposite personalities. 

Team Bovine would be a show based off of some characters I did a few semesters back. This show would be a riff on The Dukes of Hazard. But obviously for kids, on "moonshine" only  "mooshine". Hanford and B would get into all kinds of shenanigans and use cheesey catch lines like "You got beef with us?" 

Lastly would be Peppy's Pizza. This would be an adult cartoon, for the audiences of Bob's Burgers or the Adult Swim category.  This show follows Miranda, a girl who works at a kids pizzeria as the mascot. The supporting characters are a bit more developed here. This show would be based off of my experiences (good and bad) from doing the same job at Chuck E Cheeses.

After pitching all three ideas, I decided to go with Peppy's Pizzeria. The feedback I got was there is a lot of authenticity to these characters and story. And I'd sure hope so! Here are some story moments to go along with it:

I think what I like most about this idea, is I wanted the main character, Miranda, to be a strong female, but not super hero strong, but strong in her moral and ethical beliefs. I also wanted her to be chubby. As I am, I'm pretty sure this is the main reason at Chuck E Cheese they had me always be Chuck E when I worked, but there isn't enough of that in any cartoon out there. 
 Dillion is the game room attendant who started working at Peppy's in High School while selling pot. He dropped out of high school to continue his pot business outside of Peppy's. He also has the coin hook up. 
Lex is "dark forces" worshiper who is the niece of the franchise owner so she can't get fired. She openly detests kids, but works there for her friends and easy money. 
Tiffany is the birthday hostess who flirts with all the dads and moms to get bigger tips. She has not problem "going that extra mile" to ensure her families are well taken care of. Meaning, ethics are not in her wheelhouse. 

Currently writing the pilot episode and doing some sketches. Can't wait to update you guys again, stay tuned!